
Harnessing Drone Technology: A Year-Long Study on the Impact of Wrack on Coastal Marshes
Dr. Grayson R. Morgan and his team conducted a study titled "The Dynamic Nature of Wrack: An Investigation into Wrack Movement and Impacts on Coastal Marshes Using sUAS". Wrack is essentially dead plant material that forms mats in these marshes. It’s a natural part of the ecosystem, but it can have significant impacts on the health and vitality of the marsh.
Dr. Samuel Otterstrom: Comparison of Historical Markers in Florida and Virginia
Embarking on a cross-country journey, Dr. Samuel Otterstrom delved into the historical fabric of Florida and Virginia, where over 3,500 historical markers unveil tales of the past.
Photo, Art & Map Contest- Winter 2024
In Winter semester of 2024, the Geography department initiated a Photo, Art and Map contest centered on the topic “Genius Loci”, or the spirit of place.
Mapathon- Winter 2024
On April 4th 2024, 157 students came together to participate in a 3 hour long Mapathon. Over the course of this time, the students worked together to map over 7,000+ geographical features in 11 different countries around the world.