The Chauncy D. Harris Lecture Skip to main content

The Chauncy D. Harris Lecture

Honoring one of our most accomplished alumni

Chauncy Dennison Harris (1914-2003)

Chauncy Harris was born in Logan, Utah, the son of Franklin D. Harris, who was at the time a professor of Agronomy at Utah State Agricultural College, and later served as the president of Brigham Young University from 1921-1945 (for whom the Harris Fine Arts Center was named).

Harris graduated from BYU in 1933 at age 19 as University valedictorian with a degree in Geography (then part of the Geology department). As the first Rhodes Scholar from BYU (it has since had only eight others), he earned Master's degrees from Oxford and the London School of Economics and a PhD from the University of Chicago.

During World War II, he served as a geographic analyst in the Office of Strategic Services (the precursor of the CIA), where he developed a lifelong fascination with the Soviet Union. At the same time, he began his lifelong career as a professor of Geography at the University of Chicago. His many areas of expertise included the Soviet Union, Urban Geography, and Economic Geography. Although he published several landmark developments in these fields, his most enduring legacy is likely the Multiple Nuclei Model of the spatial pattern of urban development.

During his career, he served as president of the Association of American Geographers, an officer in the American Geographical Society and the International Geographical Union, and as vice president at Chicago. He retired in 1984, and passed away in 2003.

Before his death, the Harris family generously endowed a fund in our department to host a distinguished geography scholar each November during Geography Awareness Week, to give a lecture of interest to our students and faculty. We have greatly benefited from this gift and the insights of our guests.

Watch a 1971 interview of Dr. Harris or a 1988 interview





2003Coping with a Changing WorldAlec MurphyUniversity of Oregon
2004Hispanic Spaces, Latino Places: Community and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary AmericaDaniel ArreolaArizona State University
2005Shadowed Ground Revisited: American’s Landscapes of Violence and TragedyKenneth FooteUniversity of Colorado
2006The Impossible Capital: Rome under Liberal and Fascist Regimes, 1870-1943John AgnewUCLA
2007Rounding the Life Course and Heading for Home: How Age and Intergenerational Family Ties Shape Migration Up and Down the U.S. Urban HierarchyDavid PlaneUniversity of Arizona
2008Land Cover Mapping in New Zealand: An Evaluation of the Effect of Terrain Normalization on Classification AccuracyRuss CongaltonUniversity of New Hampshire
2009Environmental Change in the Western AmazonKenneth YoungUniversity of Texas at Austin
2010Geographies of Racial Mixing in household and NeighborhoodsRichard WrightDartmouth College
2011When Agriculture Meets Geography : A Story of Handshakes, Courtship, and ConsummationPaul F. StarrsUniversity of Nevada
2012Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism, and Geographical ImaginationsBarney WharfUniversity of Kansas
2013Remembering Resilience: Disaster and Social Memory in LouisianaCraig ColtenLouisiana State University
2014Pressing the Reset Button on Southern HospitalityDerek AldermanUniversity of Tennessee
2015Monitoring of Mine Remediation in the Appalachian Region using Remote SensingTimothy WarnerWest Virginia University
2016Lake Sediments, Environmental History, and Big Questions in GeographySally HornUniversity of Tennessee
2017Producing Public Geographies: Producing a Field Guide to the American WestWilliam WyckoffMontana State University
2018Borders Matter: Tourism, International Boundaries and Imprints on PlaceDallen TimothyArizona State University
2019Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Human-Wildlife-Environment Interactions: Understanding elephant movements and linkages to development, local communal farming and drought towards mitigating Human-Elephant Conflict in AfricaMarguerite MaddenUniversity of Georgia
2020No Lecture--
2021Mapping for Impact in a Changing CaliforniaMaggi KellyUniversity California-Berkeley
2022Applied Geography: A Context & TrajectoryJay GatrellEastern Illinois University
2023At the Intersection of Geography and Public Health: Challenges and OpportunitiesEric DelmelleUNC Charlotte, University of Pennsylvania
2024American Nations: The Rival Regional Cultures of North AmericaColin WoodardSalve Regina University