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Hannah Johnston

Hannah is an Environmental Studies Major from Heber City, UT.
  • "After being a river raft guide in Alaska one summer, and talking every day about how cool nature is to my clients, I decided I wanted to keep learning all I could about these natural processes. So I decided to be a geography environmental studies major—because learning about the environment and how it works is so cool! Getting outside and observing patterns in nature is so rewarding. A lot of life lessons can be drawn from the natural processes we find in our environments".

  • "My dream job is pretty simple—getting paid to be outside. I think working in a national park or guiding in really cool places would be incredible. I want to inspire people to learn about their own backyards and see how amazing nature is. I love it when I can share my love of the outdoors with others and see them light up when they learn something new about our amazing planet!"

  • "I really love learning about nature and being outside. I love hiking, skiing, camping, mountain biking, and bird watching. I also love traveling and experiencing new places."

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