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BYU Geospatial Network

June 24, 2019 01:49 PM

The BYU Geospatial Network is the interdisciplinary community of faculty, staff, administrators, and students of Brigham Young University who use spatial and geographic information and technology. It is a diverse group from many departments and labs, who use a variety of tools, including geographic information systems, remote sensing, spatial statistics, web mapping, and cartography. We welcome people at all levels of involvement, from experts developing new techniques to those with only a passing interest in mapping or need for a map.

The GSN has three primary functions:

  1. It is the central hub for resources and services at BYU, such as campus software licenses, the HBLL Geospatial Services Lab, and ThinkSpatial.
  2. It provides a space for students and faculty to showcase their work, learn what others are doing, and form collaborative relationships.
  3. It enables us to evaluate the needs of the community, to better provide centralized and distributed resources.

The network meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 11am. The 50 minute meetings are broken down into two parts. Part 1 is a presentation by faculty, staff, graduate students, or undergraduates followed by a Q&A. Part 2 is a space to discuss and evaluate the needs of the community.