Fulton Mentored Research Conference | December 2023 Skip to main content

Fulton Mentored Research Conference | December 2023

On December 7th, 2023, Geography students presented at the College's

Fulton Mentored Student Research Conference.

They were among 291 student presenters, assisted by 76 faculty mentors.

Participants created and displayed a poster to showcase months of mentored research. They had the chance to win cash awards, grants towards Grad School, and to have their work published.

Ashley Swensen (Center) with Geography Faculty mentor Dr. Ruth Kerry (directly to her right)
Ashley Swensen (Center) with Geography Faculty mentor Dr. Ruth Kerry (directly to her right)
Ashley Swensen alongside her winning research poster

Urban Planning student Ashley Swensen, mentored by Dr. Ruth Kerry, presented her work on "Investigating the Effectiveness of Incentivized Efficient Watering Practices in Five Western States with a Focus on Utah".

Swensen secured First place in Geography in the undergraduate awards, as well as First place in the Redd Center for Western Studies in the Center awards.

Kyle Bird (center) with Geography faculty mentor Dr. Matthew Bekker (to his right)
Jared Pech Gonzalez beside his winning poster

Environmental Studies student Kyle Bird and Geospatial Intelligence student Jared Pech Gonzalez were mentored by Dr. Matthew Bekker in their research. They presented "Climate History in Zambia: Dendroclimatological Introduction into the Central Miombo Woodlands".

Bird and Pech Gonzalez claimed Third place in Belonging & Diversity in the Center awards.

Other Participating Geography Students:

Geospatial Science and Technology student Cade Smith and Environmental Studies student Lynden Abernathy studied "Spatial Variation in Air Quality and Athsma in Utah County".
Geospatial Science and Technology students Luke North, James Searle and Ethan Schatz, as well as Tourism Studies student Tang Zong presented their research on "Mapping the Decline of Major Watersheds in Nevada".